Thinking about free trade, I thought again of the repeal of the corn laws, as occasionally I do. The repeal of the corn laws was undoubtedly a good thing for grain merchants, millers, bakers and The Great British Public. It was a bad thing for those tenant farmers struggling to pay their rents each quarter day who relied on wheat for their income and a very bad thing for those they employed at a pittance who could not afford to journey with their families, on foot or by cart, to an industrial town in the hope of an unskilled factory job and a home in a building that was a slum when built.
Free trade is a good thing for traders and those who profit from supplying them, and a bad thing for everyone else.
Escaping the European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Act 2019.
Robert Henderson The EU may have overreached themselves. On
9th October the president of the European parliament David
Sassoli suggested that a n...
5 years ago