Friday, 11 March 2011

On Free Trade

Thinking about free trade, I thought again of the repeal of the corn laws, as occasionally I do. The repeal of the corn laws was undoubtedly a good thing for grain merchants, millers, bakers and The Great British Public. It was a bad thing for those tenant farmers struggling to pay their rents each quarter day who relied on wheat for their income and a very bad thing for those they employed at a pittance who could not afford to journey with their families, on foot or by cart, to an industrial town in the hope of an unskilled factory job and a home in a building that was a slum when built.

Free trade is a good thing for traders and those who profit from supplying them, and a bad thing for everyone else.

Britain on The Brink

(We should not commit ourselves to 'free trade' obligations with those who sell a great deal more to us than they buy from us: That's very bad for the balance of payments - not to mention our own ability to produce - which has not been referred to by 'our' media or politicians for a very long time).

(Don't take any notice of Mr Bukovsky as he has a foreign accent, and they cannot be trusted. Just sleep on, 'citizen', you have nothing to fear from the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who are rapidly taking control of every aspect of your life and the technology to make it unbearable.)

Sadly the appearance and accents of the people who appeared in those videos have been the object of caricature and satirical parody for so long that the message they proclaim cannot but be ignored, at best, or lost, at worst, in the cacophonous derision of the soap watching (And dodging?) masses. Vladimir Bukovsky could have said 'my hovercraft is full of eels' or 'iz day nordern lie-in korrairkt for day Feenlunt Stairtion?' and have elicited the same response from the great British public.

Videos at YouTube are not enough. Those who seek to save England from British treason must be prepared to work at the constituency level, even on cold, wet and windy nights, to explain to voters that continuing to vote blindly for the parties that have created, perpetuate and exacerbate the mess we are in cannot possibly help us out of it. That isn't going to be easy.

When that fails, as it cannot but, we must be prepared for violence.

That isn't going to be easy.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The Corruption That is The EU: Christopher Story

Christopher Story died of liver failure on 14th July, 2010, having complained of being unwell for some time previously. His obituarist concedes that he could have died of natural causes.

Democracy Gone Wrong: Dele Ogun

Lawful Rebellion at Birkenhead County Court

We are governed and policed only with our consent. When police officers abuse the authority we vest in them, in order that they may serve us, and behave unlawfully they forfeit that consent. When police officers engage in acts of violence against us they invite violence against them in turn. 'The Police' need to understand that they have no God given monopoly on violence and we are under no obligation to obey them.

Gruff thanks to Harry Hook at The Final Redoubt for the link (and here) to the videos.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Cameron on AV

Whilst we need parliamentary reform urgently we do not need electoral reform of any sort, except in the matter of postal voting and eligibility to vote. There is nothing wrong with FPTP and the system does not need interfering with. The way to deprive idiots like Cameron of their majorities is to abolish the whip system and make MPs absolutely accountable to their constituents, not their party hierarchies.

The age of 'leaders', especially those who plague us with their visions, is past.